I'm an Iwakuni, Japan—based photographer, navigating my way around a foreign country for the first time in my life and am excited to share the beauty and culture in my new home.

Military spouse of 5 years now, together with my husband for 10.  No children for us—yet! Though we do have a cat (Hugo) and a dog (Goose—rightfully so, as my husband is a jet pilot!). 

I was born and raised in Northern Virginia, though since college I've lived in Maryland, Florida, Texas, South Carolina, and now Japan! We've spent the last 4 years here in Iwakuni and although the restrictions throughout covid were tough, we've loved every minute of living overseas. 

I've been working with photography for almost 15 years now, I started in film but moved to digital once I hit college. 

I am a lover of all things cozy—hot cocoa, fuzzy blankets, down comforters, 18 pillows on my bed, cat cuddles, etc. I am also a lover of all things food related. The majority of my saved posts on Instagram are recipes by @halfbakedharvest... IYKYK.

I'm an Enneagram 2w3, a Taurus 1000%, I love the outdoors—skiing, hiking, camping, paddle boarding, you name it. If you think we'd be a great match, let's grab coffee and catch up! You book with me, you've got a friend for life!

Hey there,
 I'm Mara!